Woodstock Food Pantry
Woodstock Food Pantry Program
Program Description
Groceries provided weekly on Fridays and Saturdays, between 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. to anyone who needs them. Drive-through or walk-up pantry.
From SE Woodstock Ave., turn onto SE 40th Street and enter the All Saint's parking lot on SE Knight Street. Cars - line up and stay in your car. Walkups - line up on the sidewalk.
Shift Details
Receiving - 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. - Oregon Food Bank delivers food and we put it away. We move food and boxes up to around 75 lbs. It is physical work, including lifting and carrying. Indoors/Outdoors.
Packing - 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. - We sort produce and pack grocery bags with food and hygiene products. This shift does not require lots of muscles and is more slow-paced. Indoors.
Distribution - 11:15 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. - We hand out groceries to our neighbors. Lift and carry up to 15 lb. bags. This is a fast-paced shift that focuses on Customer Service and teamwork. Indoors/Outdoors.
Distribution 11:15 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. - We hand out groceries and hygiene products to our neighbors. Lift and carry up to 15 lb. bags. This is a fast-paced shift that focuses on Customer Service and teamwork. Indoors/Outdoors.
Outreach Coordinator posts monthly sign up sheets. Volunteers sign up weekly for whatever shifts they want to work.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. For full details, please go to USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.
Lunch on the Lawn + Help Needed
Woodstock Pantry Grand Opening
Thank you SE Portland Rotary Foundation
Pantry Mural Work Begins