What an Amazing Show & Tell Art Show We Had
Dear Friends,
What an amazing Show & Tell art show we had! The dining hall was filled with laughter, surprise, wonder, beauty, and intricate arts and crafts. It was such a splendor of creativity and awe, and it couldn’t have happened without you: both those who brought their arts and crafts to share, and those who shared in the experience by looking at and admiring it. Each person had a role to play on that Sunday, and each one played it so well. It was a huge success.
I have a few favorite outcomes from the Show & Tell, which I’ll share with you here:
Community: Everyone was talking with everyone else and sharing something. Something personal, beautiful, and wonderful. This creates the foundations for friendship. So many people now know each other a little or a lot better, and this brings us closer and makes All Saints even more connected than before. We’re a community and safety net of friends here, and the art show made that net a little stronger and more vibrant.
Easter Eggs: Were you surprised at discovering who did what? And that different parishioners made their arts and crafts? I know that many people were surprised, because they told me so. When you’re in church, sometimes you just see a sea of heads (if you’re in the back, like me) and then there’s some small talk over coffee, and then it’s over. Now, you’ve discovered that this person makes intricate collage sculptures that are beautiful, and this person sews clothes, and this person is a photographer, and the list goes on and on. The Show & Tell was pure discovery and wonder, and enlightenment, reminding us of the humanity within each individual. That’s worth its weight in gold right there.
Storytelling: A big part of the Show & Tell, for me, was the storytelling. I was witness to many people’s stories during the event, telling me about their parents, their childhoods, their art. It was one story after the next, as everyone wanted to share, wanted to talk, and wanted to show. It was an honor to be on the other side to catch these stories and appreciate them, and be a richer and better person for it. Thank you.
Yes, I would say that for this, and many, many more reasons, the Show & Tell was a success. Thank you for being a part of it.
- Paige
P.S. We have more in store for the community so stay tuned! :)