Welcoming Fr. Matthew David Morris
Introducing The Rev. Matthew David Morris (he/him): The Rev. Matthew David Morris (he/him) is a newly ordained priest living in the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood of Portland with his husband and 25-year old non-binary stepkid. Hailing from Denver, Colorado, Matthew David and his family moved to Oregon in 2013 and he became a member of St. David of Wales Episcopal Church, which would become his sponsoring parish in 2016. Matthew David completed his A.A. from Portland Community College, followed immediately by a M.Div. from Iliff School of Theology, where he graduated summa cum laude and was given the award of Masters Student of the Year. He has served in the Diocese of Oregon in a number of capacities, including as a campus minister for Beloved Community on Campus and as Video Resource Specialist on the Bishop’s staff during the first months of the COVID-19 transition. Before responding to his call to the priesthood, Matthew David built a 25+ year career in music, and he brings a creative approach to online and hybrid worship and liturgy. He is excited to accept the call to serve as priest for All Saints during Andria’s brief time away. |
Interview between the Rev. Andria Skornik and the Rev. Matthew David Morris in anticipation of his time as Interim Priest at All Saints, Portland.