Weekly Rector's Note: Wilderness Celebrations
Dear Saints,
This last week marked the two year anniversary since we suspended church services and went into lockdown. As I'm sure is also the case for many of you, I can't believe it's only been two years; indeed, it feels like it's been several lifetimes. In fact, someone recently reminded me of how our first ever live streamed service showed up sideways on the screen! We've come a long way.
As I think back, there are happy memories of the way people came together and how good that felt. Of course, we also remember how scary it was that so many people were dying and there was so little we knew. As we mark this anniversary, let us remember the 6 million or more people who have died from Covid-19 and those who are still grieving their loss.
That first Sunday, where in-person services were suspended, we had also planned to do a baptism class for families. We weren't able to do the class, nor have we had baptisms since. But I am so excited that this Sunday we get to do some of the baptisms that were delayed by the pandemic. While it's not as common to do baptisms in Lent, our bishop has given us the go ahead, especially given the circumstances. It seems appropriate to me. It's like a party in the desert, perhaps like the people of Israel celebrating after they crossed through the Red Sea. Their journey through the wilderness wasn't over, but they took time to mark how far they had come and God's saving presence in their lives. We certainly can do the same.
The baptisms will take place in our 10:15 service followed by a cupcake reception in the Parish Hall. We will have another wonderful opportunity for baptisms at our Easter celebrations or when the bishop comes on June 5 to celebrate Pentecost. Please let me know if you are interested in Baptism, Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation of faith. Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the church. Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which the candidates express a mature commitment to Christ. Reception is for baptized persons who have been members of another Christian fellowship and who wish to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church. And Reaffirmation is for persons returning to the church or those who have entered a new level of spiritual life. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss further, please let me know.
In peace,
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note