Weekly Rector's Note: Surrounded By the Prayers of the Community
Dear Saints,
This Sunday we will have our annual Backpack Blessing for students and anyone working in education, many of whom will be starting school this coming week. We will pray for them, bless them, and give them tokens made by parishioners to remind them that our prayers go with them.
We are surrounded by the prayers of the community, and we convey this in different ways: in the blessed prayer shawls that we give to people to wrap around themselves in difficult or significant times; in the hats and scarves knitted for our Hot Meals guests at Thanksgiving; in baptisms when the celebrant asks, “Will you support this person in their life in Christ?” and we all heartily say, “We will!”; or in celebrations, like the one we will have this Sunday, as we send off Alex, our seminarian, with cake, gifts and our blessing.
In small ways, these rituals all point to something that’s at the very heart of our faith, which is that wherever we find ourselves on our journey, there is a community supporting us, praying for us and who is there for us. Our identity as Christians is formed by who we are in connection to one another.
Whether or not you will be receiving a back to school blessing this Sunday, remember one of the greatest blessings of our faith: no matter where you go, no matter what you do, know that in whatever awaits you this fall there are people praying for you and who want to be there for you. To be Christian means we do not go through life alone.
In peace,
p.s. Be sure to mark you calendar for our big Fall Kick-Off party on September 11th from 11am to 1pm and invite your friends.
p.p.s. All Saints is tabling at “Movies in the Park” on September 3 at Woodstock Park. Let us know if you want to help or simply come and enjoy!
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note