Weekly Rector's Note: All Saints Celebration this Sunday
Dear Saints,
It’s hard to believe it’s been four years since my first Sunday with you. I remember how much I was looking forward to it. If anything, the excitement has only increased as our community lives into its calling and is situated on the cusp of so many cool things. I can’t wait to share more at the leaders meeting on November 15, and when Kristen our Outreach Coordinator is with us Sunday, November 13.
I am also very much looking forward to celebrating our Feast Day this Sunday at both services. There will be opportunities to pray and light candles for people we are remembering. Don’t forget to bring pictures of loved ones to put on our Remembrance Altar. You can place them on the altar any time before the service and may take the picture home after.
Additionally, we will have a special meal at 11:15am in the Parish Hall. Please bring a salad, pasta or bread to share if you are able, or help with set up or clean up.
In peace,