Weekly Note from Outreach Coordinator Kristen Mägis: The Woodstock Commons, Outreach & Community
Over the past few years of discernment, All Saints Episcopal Church (ASEC) parishioners and leaders have been envisioning the Woodstock Commons at ASEC as a community hub for organizing and channeling our neighbors’ goodwill as well as gathering around service, arts, culture and conversations that matter.
I’ve been contemplating this vision. It occurred to me that the Woodstock Commons is not a place, or an event, or even a group of people. The Woodstock Commons is an idea. This idea takes form when we gather to support each other, to stand as allies for each other, to collaborate in addressing challenges and to celebrate each other. Together, we build and nurture community, with and for each other.
The Woodstock Pantry, Hot Meals program and Clothing Closet are a direct expression of the Woodstock Commons. Our volunteers hail from the wider neighborhood, are unhoused and housed, have varying abilities, represent all age groups, and embody the diversity that makes our community rich. It truly takes every single one of us to make out Outreach Ministries work.
And now we have the Outreach Center (the old library)! If you see someone in need, simply get a food bag and pack a hygiene bag to share with them! You can also carry a couple in your car to share with folks as you drive around town!
With the onset of summer, we will lose some of our volunteers. So, we need new volunteers. Contact me at [email protected] or 503 559-7726 and I’ll help you find an opportunity that works for you!
Grocery Bags
Demand for food continues to increase. We serve an average of 110 hot meals and 250 grocery bags every week (double bags, so actually 500). So, we need help with inventory. We need grocery bags! You can put your donations in the bins in the Narthex.
We also need toilet paper, wipes, tarps and sleeping bags. You can order them on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1CPQ5OV083Z0...
And we need men’s 32, 34 waist jeans and sweatpants. Used is fine!
Financial Support
It takes funds to operate our Outreach Ministries and we are running short! So, if you have a bit of extra, we would greatly appreciate your gifts!
Thank you!
Kristen Mägis
Outreach Coordinator, All Saints Episcopal Church / Woodstock Pantry