Weekly Note: Art and cookies and pancakes, oh my!
Dear Saints,
Does anyone else have a tradition of eating heart-shaped meatloaf on Valentines Day? It was something I grew up with, but neither my mom nor I could remember if it was a thing or just something we did. After a quick google search, it looks like we're not the only ones. So this year I’m going to try veganize this holiday dish.
Special foods at certain times have a unique way of assisting meaning-making and creating and deepening our connection to others. The church gets this, having been formed around a meal of bread and wine. But it also happens in the potlucks, Crab Feasts (pics and results below!) and church picnics. Or like in some of the food and festivities we have coming up.
This Sunday, we are having a Valentines themed reception as we welcome artist Olivia Serrill. She is a local artist who began creating maps out of a desire to see what a satellite image would look like if it were painted. Her style is influenced by abstract and impressionist art. Welcoming Olivia is part of our being a Woodstock Commons, or a neighborhood hub that brings people together around things like art, outreach and conversations that matter.
Also, this Sunday after the 10:15am service, I’ll be having cookies with the youth in my office. We had a great discussion based on their questions last time, so I'm looking forward to this one.
Then on Tuesday, February 21 from 5pm to 7pm, the Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper returns! It is the first we’ve been able to have since the pandemic. Come enjoy delicious pancakes with all the trimmings (details below). Deacon Maureen will be leading a lesson on Shrove Tuesday / Ash Wednesday for the kids where they'll get to burn palm branches from Palm Sunday to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is part of our preparation for Ash Wednesday and entering into the season of Lent. You can find more info on our Ash Wednesday service times and Lenten offerings below.
In peace,
Please note, Rev. Andria will be away February 19 to the 25th.
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note