Weekly Children's Ministry News February 17
It’s hard to believe this is the last week of Epiphany. It has be so great to see many of the youth joining regularly, some familiar faces have even popped in as they are comfortable. Our opening sharing time has been a great opportunity to learn more about one another. As a reminder, children are welcome to join us for as long or as little as they are comfortable, a parent or caregiver is always welcome to remain, and we aim to rejoin the congregation in time for Communion.
I will be switching the readings we are looking at from, Old Testament prophets, to New Testament Gospels. This week we will talk about being Peacemakers and start to prepare for the upcoming Lenten season. As we prepare for Lent, we will help the congregation ‘put away the Alleluias’ at the end service. Additionally, our activity during the children’s time will be a little larger than usual so make sure to keep an eye out for it during Coffee Hour, and please feel free to collaborate and participate.
Amanda Cintron, Children's Ministry Coordinator
Tags: Adult Education