Summer & Sabbath
Dear Saints,
With just two weeks left in the academic year, summer is almost here! Those who are juggling the busyness of school performances, games and other end of year activities might be especially ready for the relaxed pace that the season brings.
In the busy world we live in, however, simplicity and slowing down doesn't just happen. So it's worth thinking about if there's anything we need to be proactive in protecting or directing this time.
Our assigned readings this Sunday on Sabbath, or restorative rest and leisure, give us an opportunity to think about regular times for renewal as a value and practice of our faith. I look forward to exploring these ideas more together and hearing from you what has worked. How do you find refreshment or get recharged on a regular basis? How do you foster it for your household? Where is lacking and how might that change?
Praying for abundant rest and play for you this weekend and this summer.
In peace,
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note