Steve Dieterich's Stewardship Message October 17, 2021
Good morning everyone! My name is Steve Dieterich and I’m a member the All Saints Vestry. Last Sunday, Jerry Meter told you about all the wonderful things that are happening here at All Saints despite the ongoing pandemic. I want to encourage you to start or continue to share your time, talent and treasure to keep them going.
Jerry also shared with you a bit of the history of his relationship with God and the church. I’d like to do the same. My wife Tina and I moved to Portland from CT in November 2016 to be closer to our daughters and grandchildren. We began attending All Saints just before Christmas of that year and have been active members of the parish ever since.
I’m what’s often referred to as a “cradle Episcopalian”, born, baptized and raised in this faith. By their example, my parents taught me the importance AND necessity of donating your time, talent and treasure to your parish church to maintain it’s strength and vitality. When I was growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, our family didn’t have much treasure, so we offered our time and talent whenever possible. My father was an usher. To make sure there was enough treasure to support our church, he often took on the role of Stewardship Campaign Chairman. From the age of 5, I was an acolyte at the 7:00 AM services, later graduating to the 9:00 and 11:00 services. My mother was a member of the Altar Guild and was the acolyte mother who made sure all our vestments were clean and mended. Our family did it’s best to provide treasure to our parish church. I recall my Dad writing out a check for his pledge envelope every Sunday morning. I too had a pledge envelope into which I put nickels, dimes or quarters each week. Once a year, I also put money into a “mite box”, (anyone remember those?,) to provide extra funds for the needs of the greater church community.
After a period of time away from the church during college, Medical School and Residency, Tina and I joined a parish in our new hometown north of Hartford, CT. I was quickly drafted to be an usher and in subsequent years, Tina and I served as Church School Teachers. (We didn’t call it “Godly Play” way back then.) As our financial situation improved, we began to contribute our treasure with a goal of increasing our pledge each year.
Two months after joining All Saints, I contributed some time and talent to the annual Crab Feast. Each year since then, I’ve captained the kitchen and wait staff who help make this annual fundraiser a big success. I accepted the call to the Vestry and am now halfway through my second 3 year term as a Vestry Member. I also serve as the clerk to the Vestry.
With God’s help, I had a successful career as a Family Practitioner. Now in retirement, I feel the need and obligation to share the treasure I was able to accrue. I have been increasing my pledge each year to support the growing needs of this parish and our community.
As you can see, the Episcopal Church has played an important part in my life for the past 70 years. I’m glad to be able to continue to contribute my time, talent and treasure as an All Saints parishioner. I hope you feel the same way and will respond accordingly whenever your support is needed!