Santa's Response to all the Letters!
The below is a Letter to the Editor from Santa Claus. It was accidentally sent to our e-mail address, so I am forwarding it to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Cris Breshears
Administrative Assistant
All Saints Episcopal, Woodstock
Dear Children of Southeast Portland,
Thank you all for writing to me this year. As you all know, it’s been a very different and sometimes difficult year for us all. Work, school, playtime, everything has changed so much, and you ALL have managed to meet the challenges of this year with grace and resolve to do your best. Please know that I see you trying your best!
I had been so worried that, with the pandemic, the Post Office wouldn’t be able to get your Christmas Wish Lists to me, and was very grateful to All Saints Episcopal Church for their willingness to host a special North Pole Letterbox. Everything worked perfectly and I received so many letters.
I want to especially thank the following children for their messages of encouragement and hope during these uncertain times: Alden (the Fireman); Angus; Audry; Briggs; Chase; Coby; Elliot; Jack; Jane; Jonah; Leo; Leona; Levi; Liddy; Logan; Lucas; Lucius; Makenna; Margaret; Marlow; Matt; May; Murphy; Olivia; Penny; Scarlett; Stella; Trevor; Watson; and all of you who wished to remain anonymous.
The sleigh was packed full, but the reindeer still managed to fly from rooftop to rooftop. Hopefully you were happy with what I was able to bring this holiday. I can tell by your beautiful hearts that you already know that the spirit of Christmas is so much more than the gifts under the tree. You, yourselves, bring a loving light to this world, and that is the greatest gift. Keep shining!
Your letters helped to brighten these dark days, and I know we are all looking forward to brighter days ahead. Happy New Year to each and every one of you.
With love,
Santa Claus