Rev. Sara Fischer Special Guest + Fall Cleanup this Sunday
Dear Saints,
This Sunday, I look forward to welcoming Rev. Sara Fischer as our special guest and preacher. Mother Sara is a long-time Portland priest with a heart for those on the margins. Hope & Bread, where she currently ministers, is a new Episcopal community dedicated to the spiritual needs of people living in extreme poverty in East Portland, caring for one another through soul care, regular gatherings, and advocacy. She will be available after both services if you would like to talk more.
This Sunday is also "Grubby Sunday," one of our yearly fall cleanups. We'll have pizza after the 10:15am service and then for those who are able, head outside to do some work sprucing up the grounds.
Our Parents Night Out/Kids Halloween Party is tomorrow. We have over 15 kids signed up! It's going to be a great time. And if you are looking for some cozy dinner plans and to get to know fellow All Saintsers, this Monday the Gustafson's are hosting and would love to have you. We have a great group signed up for that, as well. More info below.
Stay warm and enjoy the beautiful changing leaves.
Photo from spring cleanup. All ages and abilities welcome!
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note