Rector's Note: Time, Talent & Treasure
Dear Saints,
Where did the last month go? I love October in Oregon, and it felt like this one went by especially fast.
The same has been true of our stewardship season. We had wonderful sharing from Jerry, Steve, John, and Michelle over the last few weeks. This Sunday, our pledge drive will conclude with an “ingathering” where people can bring up pledge cards during the offertory. We will also have cards on which people can pledge time & talent in one or more of the ministries of All Saints. If you are worshipping online and need either of the pledge cards, please let us know. You can also make a financial pledge here.
Your offerings and gifts of leadership and service are what make All Saints a place that’s alive with Christ’s love and service. Thank you for helping us continue and grow the many ministries of our parish!
In addition to the ingathering, this Sunday is also Grubby Sunday. Wear your work clothes to church and stay after the 10:15am if you can to help rake leaves, trim bushes, etc. You might also want to bring a sack lunch. We will have coffee and cookies. If you attend the 8am service, please feel free to come back and join us at 11:30am. 9am families can stay after the 9am service to help rake leaves together.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who made our All Saints Sunday such a beautiful celebration. I’m looking forward to these last few weeks of worship in ordinary time and beginning Advent in just a few weeks.
In peace,
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note