Rector's Note: Instructed Eucharist & Annual Meeting
Dear Saints,
When I came to the Episcopal Church 15 years ago, I remember being drawn to the ritual and liturgy and loving this new experience of worship. I also remember being totally lost! At the parish where we were worshipping, there was a bulletin, the Book of Common Prayer, and two hymnals to juggle. I remember the first month trying to line up all the books on the pew in an effort to keep up. I also had so many questions — like why do we bow, kneel and cross ourselves?
Finding ways to welcome people into the beautiful ancient rituals that we take part in every Sunday, and explore them for ourselves, is an incredible opportunity that we have as a worshipping community. Thus, in the spirit of hospitality, and a desire to go deeper, this Sunday we are going to have an Instructed Eucharist. It will be like most of our Communion services, but the things we do will be explained along the way.
We will also have the ministry orientation and training after the service. If you would like to learn more about some of the worship related ministries at All Saints, these 20-30 minute sessions are a great chance to do so.
Covid Precautions & Annual Meeting
As we all are well aware, Omicron has become a greater concern in recent weeks. For those who are attending in-person services, please be especially mindful of spreading out. There is ample room in the Nave (main worship space) and Chapel for spreading out if we are attentive. I would encourage people to wear N95 or NK95 if they can (95 for keeping 95 percent of germs out). Worshippers may also attend online.
I would also ask that for the next few weeks at Coffee Hour, please keep masks on unless taking a sip or bite of something, and continue to spread out when conversing, as well.
As an additional precaution, the Executive Committee has decided to hold the Annual Meeting next week in the Nave. After the 10:15am service, there will be a 5 minute break for people to get coffee, stretch, etc. Then the meeting itself will be spread out in the Nave and streamed online.
I’m looking forward to our special service this Sunday. If you ever have questions about
Episcopal worship or serving at All Saints, please don’t hesitate to ask.
In peace,
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note