Rector's Note: And the people celebrated
Dear Saints,
In Exodus, when the people of Israel made it to the other side of the Red Sea, Miriam grabbed a tambourine and led them all in song and dance. Yet though they were on the other side of the sea, they were not on the other side of all hardship. The years in the wilderness lay ahead.
Perhaps we can relate. We are on “the other side” in some senses. We now have vaccines for Covid-19. We know so much more than we did when the pandemic started. Kids are even getting to go back to school in-person this fall with precautions. At the same time, the Delta variant looms large and Covid cases rise. As I said recently in a sermon, there is still some wilderness before us yet.
But, if scripture teaches us anything, it’s that we don’t wait until we are on the ultimate “other side” to celebrate or praise. We give thanks for the small moments of overcoming. We sing and dance over the little victories. We recognize Christ’s presence in the day to day, even as we await Christ’s coming.
This fall, we are going to heed the importance of celebrating where and when one can in our Homecoming event. It is a way to celebrate and thank our community — All Saints’ parishioners, neighbors and volunteers — for making All Saints a vibrant place in the midst of the pandemic. It is also a way to give thanks to God: that we are here, we have each other, God is doing good things through us.
I’m excited to announce that the event will include a Petting Zoo, the “Fried Egg I’m in Love” Food Truck, Free Slushies, and a performance from the Micah and Me Kindie Dance Party Band. It will be held on Sunday, September 12, from 11am to 1pm outside on the lawn and parking lot with plenty of room for physical distancing. Please invite family members, friends, or anyone else you can think of who might like to come. It’s going to be great!
Having our community this last year and a half has made all the difference to me. I’m grateful for the chance to sing, dance and drink slushies together to commemorate it.
In peace,
Photo by Bailey Mahon, Unsplash
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note