Prayer for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
As we celebrate this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
receive our thanksgiving,
O God, for the abundance of diverse cultures from Asia even in this land.
We pray for those who have come from various places in Asia,
that they may be accepted and
the values they contributed to different communities will be honored.
May we learn from one another and grow in respect and understanding.
We pray, O God,
for your guidance and strength as we face the challenges of racial discrimination
that affects the diverse Asian communities in this country and other parts of the world.
May we be one in building a colorful and just society,
where all peoples are honored and respected.
We also ask your Spirit for the healing of the wounds of those who experienced hatred and violence.
May they find support and shelter in their communities they deem safe.
We ask for your blessing for those who continue to build connections between different cultures and communities.
And may their efforts, O God, contribute richly toward harmony, compassion and justice.
In this celebration month,
may we learn from one another,
grow and continue to celebrate the contribution of Asian-descent peoples in this country. Amen.
—Adapted from a prayer by Rev. Ronnie Magno