Plant Giveaway on Pentecost Sunday
Deacon Kathleen’s tomato and tomatillo plants are looking good this year and need to be adopted into your garden, producing tomatoes of various shapes, sizes, and colors, even tomatillos! Available at the church on Pentecost Sunday after the 9 and 10:15 services, or you can call or email Kathleen to place your “order” and have it delivered to your door anywhere in the Portland Metro. It’s all free, but any donations will be gratefully accepted and go to our outreach ministries.
Varieties include:
- Bite-size tomatoes like red Sweetie cherry, Yellow Pear, and purple Atomic Grape
- Aunt Ruby’s German Green (a full-size tasty heirloom tomato, green when ripe – Kathleen’s favorite)
- San Marzano (an elongated plum type used for sauces and paste)
- Arctic Rose and Rosella Purple, two “patio-size” plant varieties with normal size fruit
- Also green tomatillos… make your own fresh salsa verde this summer!