Juneteenth Celebration
The Voices Project Juneteenth Black Business Fair at All Saints: This Saturday, June 18 from 10am to 2pm, Black businesses from around the Portland area will be selling their products. There will be food, coffee and drinks, services, and much more including children’s face painting and games. The festivities will be held on the All Saints lawn and parking lot. Come and invite a friend as we build traditions around this new national holiday celebrating the end of slavery in our country!
Celebrate Juneteenth on Social: Please take a picture of the different ways you celebrate, using #voicesprojectjuneteenth #voicescelebrateblack
Celebrating Juneteenth Music & Arts Night: Featuring Black artist gallery, music and food. Organized by The Voices Project, in partnership with All Saints. Portland Covenant Church – Tonight, 7pm, 4046 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. More at www.voices-project.org/juneteenth/