Holy Week & Easter at All Saints
Holy Week and Easter
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
The service begins with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ends in the dramatic reading of Christ’s Passion. Blessing of Palms & Processional begins at 8:00 A.M. in Narthex and at 10:15 A.M. outside.
Maundy Thursday
6:00 P.M. This service calls to mind the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples through symbolic foot washing and an Agape Meal. Our evening begins with a communal meal in the Parish Hall that will transition into a time of music, storytelling and Communion shared at the tables. The service will then transition into the church for the Stripping of the Altar. The meal and service in the hall are family friendly and will be participatory and engaging for children and adults alike.
Good Friday
Between Noon to 1:00 P.M. Stations of the Cross in the Church: Come for an immersive experience of prayer, sound, and artistic renderings of Christ’s Passion.
7:00 P.M. Good Friday Liturgy. Principal Service of the day with sermon and music led by the Chancel Choir, the Veneration of the Cross, and Eucharist from the Reserved Sacrament.
The Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday Night
8:00 P.M. The service dating to the fourth century begins at the door of the Church in darkness with the lighting of the new fire, from which we light the Paschal Candle, hear the ancient Exsultet, and a dramatic retelling of the stories of God’s love and call to us. With the announcement that the Lord is risen and the ringing of bells, we celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. Incense is used at this liturgy.
Easter Day, Sunday of the Resurrection
8:00 A.M. Festive Easter Eucharist with Chancel Choir and Brass.
10:30 A.M. Festive Easter Eucharist with Chancel Choir and Brass.