Fun Fall Cleanup this Sunday
Dear Saints,
This Sunday we have the first of our fall cleanups. Wear your flannel shirts, overalls, boots, or whatever you like to work outside in. We’ll have pizza after the 10:15 service and then get to work. This cleanup day will focus on pruning and weeding. You don’t have to have any expertise and you can stay for as long or as little as you like. Our cleanup coordinators are very efficient in helping us get a lot done in a short window of time.
We are also doing a last call for the Parish Directory, which will be given to members on November 5. Please check your listing to make sure it’s accurate. There will be a draft in the Parish Hall on Sunday. Jerry Meter will be in the Narthex to take pictures, as well.
Lastly, I know the events in Israel and Gaza are weighing heavy on our hearts. Please join me and fellow parishioners in taking a moment to light a candle and pray at 8:00pm this Sunday evening wherever you might be at that time. You can pray for one minute, five minutes, or longer. Prayer is powerful, and even more so when we are connected to one another in prayer. Rev. Constance, who has done significant work in this area, will also be hosting a Q&A forum between the services and at Coffee Hour (info below). And you can find the Bishop’s email and prayer below.
In peace,
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note