Children's Ministry Column May 19
The past few days have felt like summer, a nice preview for the upcoming heat of Pentecost. The youth will not be meeting next week 5/28 (Memorial Weekend), the Nursery will still be available. So this week we will look at the mystery and excitement of Pentecost. For sharing time, it might be fun to learn if anyone has friends or family members who speak multiple languages.
As the weeks are quickly passing just a few reminders. The Year End BYO Picnic has been moved up to June 4th. Please bring your blanket and a picnic lunch and join us on the green after service. Family summer services will start on the 11th, at 9:30. The return of these casual outdoor services are a great way for families to experience participating in service, enjoy some time outdoors, and are really so much fun.Amanda Cintron, Children's Ministry Coordinator
Tags: Adult Education