Children's Ministry Column March 24
The warm sunny days this week make the cold, snowy start to Lent feel like a distant memory. With Holy Week just around the corner, we will do a little review of the teachings and miracles of Jesus we have discussed this Lenten season and consider how they point to the upcoming miracle of Easter.
Mark your calendars: Palm Sunday we will have our festive palm procession, and Maragret Earl will lead an all ages Godly Play. Easter Sunday we will welcome back the Hallelujahs, adorn the cross with flowers, and have small Easter bags for the youth. There will be not be youth classes on Easter, however the nursery will still be available. And, on April 23rd we will be holding a pizza get-together after service for families to hang out and check in.
Amanda Cintron, Children's Ministry Coordinator
Tags: Adult Education