Building Maintenance at All Saints:
What's Happening at All Saints?
Monday through Wednesday of next week, we are having some repair work done inside and outside on our brick. Outside there will be restoration of the brickwork on the wall below the Parish Hall and above the door to Keiter Hall and inside the half-wall near the altar steps will be repaired as it came loose and made the hand rail unsafe.
In about 6 to 8 weeks, new doors will replace 6 wooden doors, two of which had been damaged by attempted break-ins and one that swells in the rain. They will be metal with new door frames and much more secure. All fire doors will be tested, lubricated, adjusted and automatic closers added to meet fire door requirements.
Additionally, we are seeking bids to replace our security system as we found ours was 35 years old and relies on technology that cannot be upgraded. (They have invented pocket size computers since this system was installed).
Finally, we will be having asbestos abatement of the broken tile in the Chapel. The room has been secured and the floor temporarily stabilized until we are able to have it appropriately removed which will happen right after Easter.
All of these are part of the normal wear and tear of a building that is 70+ years old and necessary maintenance.
Questions? Ask anyone on the Executive team-Rev Andria, Deb Miller, Tom Summers, or Jerry Meter.