Back to School Blessings
Dear Saints,
This Sunday, we have the opportunity to bless our students and those who work in education as they start a new school year. Practices like this can help ground us. Our prayers and blessings remind us that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. They can be especially helpful during times of transition as a way to receive God’s love and peace.
The blessing will happen at both services at the announcements. Bring your backpacks or whatever bag you take to school. I’ve included a few additional prayers below that you can use in your own prayer time.
In peace,
Photo from the Backpack Blessing, 2021.
A Prayer for Students
Eternal God, your wisdom is greater than our minds can attain, and your truth enlightens our learning. To those who study, give curiosity, imagination, and patience to wait and work for insight. Fill their learning with joy. Help them to doubt with courage. And hold all their days in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Worship, adapted, Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, p. 911.
A Prayer for Parents
Loving God, We confess some days the worries of parenthood are as abundant as the joys. Guide us through the valleys, so we may be present for our children in their valleys, until we are all brought again to the the mountaintop. We ask you to bless our children with hearts of compassion and courage, and keep them safe from harm. Fill them with the knowledge that they are loved and beloved. And may we always remember to pray: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
Meg Bucher, adapted,; Reinhold Niebuhr, “The Serenity Prayer”
A Prayer for Teachers and Educators
God of all learning, grant our teachers an abundance of your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love. Give them grace in their encounters, courage to face challenges, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gifts they share with our children. May they see how their dedication forever impacts generations. Amen.
The Rev. Kaitlyn Bouchillon, adapted,
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